Volunteers are the heart of the presidential yacht USS Potomac. More than 50 women and men volunteer to help preserve, protect, and present this National Historic Landmark, and operate the organization’s programs and activities.
The opportunities for volunteers span a wide range: keeping up with the ship’s maintenance, joining the speaker’s bureau, working as an IT specialist, editing the newsletter, staffing the cruise, giving dockside tours, working in office and administrative positions, and leading educational programs. No special background is required, simply a desire to be part of our USS Potomac staff and to have fun—because you will!
The USS Potomac Association believes that every volunteer is an asset, and we take time to ensure that you are well-trained and supported. As a new volunteer, you will experience a 3-hour orientation and introduction session, and each year there is a refresher on specific opportunities. We provide learning materials for you and we have a library devoted to FDR, Eleanor, and the era. The best way to learn, however, is from the other fabulous volunteer docents, who are the heart of the USS Potomac.

Volunteer Information
Leading history tours and keeping up with the ship’s maintenance are the most needed volunteer opportunities today, but all the opportunities are important to helping preserve and share with the public this amazing, historical ship that played a consequential role in American history. Our cruising season on the San Francisco Bay typically starts in April and goes through November 11 each year.
There is only one requirement: you have a desire to be involved with this remarkable National Historic Landmark which saw on board presidents, kings and queens, ambassadors, and high government officials.
We have something for everyone, from ship maintenance to being a docent for our cruises and/or dockside tours, to helping out at events to greeting the public at the visitor’s center.
Hopefully, you will be available for at least eight to 10 hours per month. If you’d like to be more involved, we can use you! All volunteers earn cruise passes to bring on family and friends! For more information, please call today at (510) 627-1215.
Volunteer Opportunities
History Docents
The History of the USS Potomac, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Era of the Great Depression and World War II is the framework for all the Association’s activities. Educating students of all ages about this amazing couple’s accomplishments and place in United States history is our mission. History Docents are trained to lead guided tours of the USS Potomac, either dockside or while underway. They guide visitors on tours and cruises, answer questions, build excitement, and contribute knowledge about this extraordinary time in America’s history.
Educational Programs
History Docents lead our Educational Cruise Program. This program is for students in fifth grade and above. The Presidential Yacht USS Potomac becomes a classroom that opens the door to this historic era. Schools schedule field trips for docent-led dockside tours or tours while underway. Student underway cruises last about an hour.
Maintenance Volunteers
Even though the USS Potomac was built in 1934, it is in excellent condition, both in appearance and in operation. The ship is maintained by an all-volunteer group under the guidance of a professional Ship Keeper. Maintenance volunteers work on the mighty Enterprise engines, keep the teak decks and brass fittings beautiful, chip and paint, and do all the duties required to keep our USS Potomac a shining example of maritime excellence. All of this is an ongoing job that is done with love and care by a fabulous group of volunteers.
Speaker’s Bureau
The USS Potomac Association offers talented volunteers who speak to civic clubs and other groups that are interested in its fascinating history. If you enjoy public speaking (and even if you don’t), we would love to have you join us and share the USS Potomac with others.
Operations and Administrative Volunteers
The USS Potomac Association’s operations and administration are handled by very competent volunteers. They coordinate our cruises, maintain our Friends of the USS Potomac donation program, maintain our web pages, answer phones, write our communications newsletter, and handle many other tasks.
How to Join
Join us and become a volunteer! Volunteers are welcome anytime, and new volunteers are trained on an ongoing basis. Just fill out the application below, and mail it to the USS Potomac Association at 540 Water St, Oakland, CA 94607.
You can also scan your application and email it to us at: friends@usspotomac.org
You may send your questions to this same email address or call for additional information (510) 627-1215.